John Thurman's Resilient Solutions Shortcast
Are you looking for faith-friendly insights on how to manage stress, anxiety, or depression? Maybe you are searching for ways to improve your relationships or just looking for ways to become more effective in your day-to-day living. John Thurman's Resilient Solutions Shortcast may be what you are looking for. With an average running time of 10-12 minutes, John combines his skills as a senior-level clinician, Work-Life Consultant, and ordained minister. The information in Resilient Solutions can improve your personal life, enhance your relationships, and enrich your business endeavors. CONTACT JOHN. Email: or text him @ 505-306-0395 or call 505-343-2011.
John Thurman's Resilient Solutions Shortcast
4 Proven Tips to Develop Strong Kids and Teens
April 20, 2023
Season 3
Episode 6
Here are the 4 Tips - Be sure to check out the entire article to learn the right way to encourage your kids.
Tip# 1 - Model Resilience
Tip# 2 - Raise a Problem Solver
Tip# 4 - Praise Your Child Purposefully and Intentionally
Tip# 4- Set the Pace, be the Example because these life skills are more caught than taught.