John Thurman's Resilient Solutions Shortcast
Are you looking for faith-friendly insights on how to manage stress, anxiety, or depression? Maybe you are searching for ways to improve your relationships or just looking for ways to become more effective in your day-to-day living. John Thurman's Resilient Solutions Shortcast may be what you are looking for. With an average running time of 10-12 minutes, John combines his skills as a senior-level clinician, Work-Life Consultant, and ordained minister. The information in Resilient Solutions can improve your personal life, enhance your relationships, and enrich your business endeavors. CONTACT JOHN. Email:
John Thurman's Resilient Solutions Shortcast
How to Grow as a Man of Faith Pt # 1
How to Grow as a Man of Faith Pt # 1: The first three stages.
When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. 1 Corinthians 13:11 NLT
To grow as a man of faith, you must understand the stages of masculine development. This is the first part of a series that will show you a map as you continue your journey.
A man of faith is someone with a sense of purpose. He knows he has a life mission and understands what it means to be a man. This understanding comes from his faith, but it also comes from the relationships he has with others. He understands a well-lived life is in the context of a community.
A Christian man is a man made in the image of God. If married, he is responsible for being the head of his home and leading his family. He is a man who is faithful to his wife and children, and he makes time for them every day. A Christian man is a man who knows he is created for greatness, but instead of chasing after it, he chooses to live humbly as an example to others.
In this article, my heart desires to encourage you to be the man God called you to be. To help you to become a God-loving, courageous, resilient man with an enhanced ability to lead, love, serve, and leave a legacy in this world. To do this, I will review one roadmap to understanding some developmental markers we men face.
As with any "journey," there must be a starting place. Here is an overview of the process.
The Beloved Son
The Cowboy Stage
The Warrior Stage
Here are four general things about a real warrior, whether single or married.
1. A warrior is trained
2. A warrior is humble
3. A warrior is accustomed to sacrifice
4. A warrior is connected to others
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John Thurman